Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The First Post

Or – An introduction to this dipsomaniac called KaosDad
Part One – The Early Years

Daddy was a Sea Captain. So I never had a place to call home. The first place I remember with any clarity is New Port, RI. We lived in a small cottage on some land owned by a farmer. He took some of his fallow ground and divided it up, built some houses and rented them out to the families of the sea going folk in the area. It was in this house, at the tender age of six, that my life almost ended.

But, I am ahead of my self, as usual.

I was first lent out to the world while Dad was in the Philippines. It was from his base there that he kept a watchful eye on the Chinese, Korean, and Russian pirates that patrolled the China Sea & The Pacific Ocean. I have no memories of this place save a few photos. We seemed happy enough. Evidently I was cared for by Philipina House Girls and only after I was bathed & dressed would I be handed over to my birth mother. The images play out in a blur of home snapshots and official photographs.

We were moved, when I was four, to Rhode Island. It was there that Pops would rotate between teaching aspiring Captains in the art of pirate stalking and actually going to sea to ply his skills. It was there that in a fit of childhood terror I ran after my Mother – across the wide open, unfinished floor of the basement – running-back style and hit the plate glass of the back door just as it latched into its frame. There was a shatter, a scream, and I froze. I was half in the house and half out – thru the door, which was closed. I looked up to see my Mother, a horrific, wide eyed gaze on her face, pointing at he as she said; “Do not move.” She pushed my head down slightly and backwards until I was free of the shattered door and looked up to see a glass dagger that, just seconds before, was poised over my spine – ready to kill me or, worse, commit me to being a quadriplegic for the rest of my days.

I am convinced that this was God’s message to me that I am divine & chosen to bring either great goodness to His earth – or destroy it utterly.

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