Wednesday, December 31, 2008

And, in other news......

Before I do my very first "End of Year Wrap Up" I need to ask a question in all seriousness: Is Washington, D.C. (our Nation's Capitol) just a magnet for stupid? To wit: on the front page of today's Washington Post Metro section are two stories of stupid. The head line photo tells the story of a driver that, while using his/her cell phone, hit a back-hoe and managed to then drive the car into a hole that was large enough to eat the front end of the vehicle. So the driver runs away. The registration is in the car & the plates are still there - do they really think they'll not get caught?

The second story was about a woman who admitted to police that she killed her daughter & set the house a fire. But then blamed it all on an unknown intruder. Yeah - that'll fly. I guess some one told her what happens to mothers who murder their kids - strange how their survival rate in prison is near zero.

Anyway - so here we are watching the final hours of 2008 spin off into oblivion and the pages of history. Normally, after a year like this, I'd say; "Bring on the new year" but God only knows what 2009 is going to hit us with. Having watched almost $40K in cash evaporate over the year from my 401K, the value of my brokerage account shrink faster than an ice-cube in August and the value of my home plummet to the point that we may very well be upside-down on the mortgage, I am not really certain I'm all that excited about 2009.

Everyday brings new revelations about how the Government was so sound asleep on the job that they didn't see the devastation that was about to befall us. They also missed a multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme that promises to do as much damage, if not more, as the sub-prime lending debacles. And, please, do not fool yourself into thinking that Messiah Obama is going to wave a magic wand and make it all better. He's already discovered that revoking tax cuts to citizens is not the way to jump start an economy.

For those of you who missed it - Vlad "the Impaler" Putin almost made good on my prediction of cutting off energy supplies to Europe. Hiding behind the ruse of the Ukraine not paying the gas bill, Russia was going to cut the supply - thus not allowing re-sale to the EU. Today it was announced that the Ukraine had magically delivered a few million to the Soviet energy company and all was well.

It looks like the Israelis have gotten serious about peace negotiations with Hamas. They decided that the Gaza strip would be much more peaceful without a Palestinian presence and are gearing up for an invasion. Now, I am not a huge fan of Israel - simply because they've made it very clear that a peaceful end to the whole Palestinian question is not what they are interested in. If that's the case, fine - start the war and get it over with. Otherwise, be serious about negotiations and stop with the bulldozers and "accidental" armored assaults on Palestinian settlements.

And so, on the 20th, we inaugurate a new President. I will be watching eagerly as, according to his supporters, upon the completion of the Oath of Office magical unicorns will suddenly appear granting wishes to all the people of the world, causing all of the armies of the world to beat their weapons into plows, dogs & cats will lie down in harmony and there will be a large envelope of unmarked $100 bills delivered to every mailbox in America. I can't wait - really. Sadly - we all know what will really happen - Rahm Emmanuel with club them all to death.

Well, kids, here we go. While we may not all see eye-to-eye on things I think we can all agree that we are in this together. As Ben Franklin said; "If we do not all hang together, we shall surly hang apart."

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Chrismakwanzasolstikkah!!!!!

To All My Democrat Friends:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2009, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.

To My Republican Friends:
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 19, 2008

And they wonder why I drink . . .

Please visit to see the rest of David Makli !'s most excellent work.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Not to Beat a Dead Horse . . .

As you can tell from a previous post I get more than a bit peeved when folks call out "sick" from work. It's espcially aggrevating when they call out and I check their FaceBook status that says; "Really Wimpy Guy is SOOOOOOOO hungover." So, because junior can't manage his life I am now a man down and have to find someone to cover as I need two people on deck at all times.

Well, the next time you feel like not working because you have a headache, consider the following.....

This is an excerpt from a Washington Post article (URL at the end)reporting on the awarding of the Silver Star to 10 Green Berets from Operational Detachment Alpha 3336 of the 3rd Special Forces Group. The article reads:

As Ford and Staff Sgt. John Wayne Walding returned fire, Walding was hit below his right knee. Ford turned and saw that the bullet "basically amputated his right leg right there on the battlefield."

Walding, of Groesbeck, Tex., recalled: "I literally grabbed my boot and put it in my crotch, then got the boot laces and tied it to my thigh, so it would not flop around. There was about two inches of meat holding my leg on." He put on a tourniquet, watching the blood flow out the stump to see when it was tight enough.

Then Walding tried to inject himself with morphine but accidentally used the wrong tip of the syringe and put the needle in this thumb, he later recalled. "My thumb felt great," he said wryly, noting that throughout the incident he never lost consciousness. "My name is John Wayne," he said.

So, sniffles, what say you haul your sorry carcass out of bed and get to work?

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Oh Dear Lord... no, please. Anything but that. Well, almost anything.

I have to re-write our Business Continuity Plan. From scratch.

Perhaps I condense it to: Update resume, post on Craig's List.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday Morning Mish-Mosh

What a weekend. I was such a couch potato I think I gained five pounds. The weather was completely crappy both days - Saturday being overcast and cold, Sunday being WINDY and below freezing. So, I was in sweats all day both days watching football and playing Colonization (have I ranted about that yet?).

It all started with the Navy/Army game at noon on Saturday. While Navy won the game handily Army totally out cooled us with those uniforms! I mean - LOOK AT THAT! Digi-cam helmets, pants & numbers. Then there was the Navy Face Plant. As the teams ran out of the tunnels the Navy player carrying the flag totally tripped, fell, faceplanted and dropped Ol' Glory. All on national TV. Ah well, whaddya gonna do?

Starting at 1300 (that's 1PM for you civilians out there) I had to flip back & forth from N/A to VA Tech & BC for the ACC Championship. Stayed mostly at the Tech game as it was pretty clear the Middies had things well in hand. Coach Beamer & Crew doled out some revenge on BC and earned their way to the Orange Bowl against the Cincinatti Bearcats? Who the heck are they?

Well, they are one of the leftovers from the Big East and have an impressive 11-2 record. Evidently Tech has played them 8 times and has a 50/50 record witht hem - hrmmmmm. I might have to take these guys seriously. It's gonna be a late game too - 8PM on New Year's Day.

Sunday was Pro-Ball day with some great games between Philly & New York, Dallas against Pittsburgh and capped off by the 'Skins loosing to the Ravens. Seriously - how in the heck do the 'Skins still have a spot at he playoffs? It's getting to the point where the only teams NOT invited to the dance are the ones at the very bottom of their conference! When are we going to learn that not everyone can be a "Winner"?

In other news - I'd like Blog Spot to get their act together. Please do not put a "Remember Me" checkbox onthe log in page if you are not going to remember me. It makes you look dumb and annoys me.

And finally

Sunday, November 30, 2008



"Sorry - no sleep last night - can't come in."
"Sorry - stuck on the toilet - can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."
"Sorry - BLAH BLAH BLAH WORDS -can't come in."

OK - who the Hell manages YOUR life & YOUR health? You want the short answer? YOU!!!!!!


Go The Hell To Bed.
Eat The Right Foods.
Get The Proper Exercise.

Do you work for me? If so, know this:
I am at least 13 years older than you.
I Exercise 3X more than you - and I can prove it.
I eat better than you do - and I can prove it.
I can out-drink your ass any day - and I can prove it.
At the end of the year I will sacrifice 5+ sick days while you will be in the red - and I can prove it.
The last time I took unscheduled time off was because I found my Mom DEAD in her condo - and I can prove it.

FRACKING PUT ON YOUR BIG KID PANTS AND FRACKING GET THE FRACK INTO WORK. DO YOU HEAR ME NOW??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sale's professionals should have no technology more advanced than an Etch-a-Sketch

And even that might be a bit much.

I cannot tell you how many hours I have spent on the clock and off the clock repairing & cleaning the laptops of sales "professionals." It seems that regardless of teh myriad of warnigs the I.T. world sends out they simply seem hell-bent on following the instructions of every e-mail they get even if the DON'T have an account at Bank of America.

Why? Why do they do this? Seriously, I have seen NO other classificiation of professional with such a high rate of laptop destruction. I just finished cleaning the laptop of a real estate agent. It took not two, not three but SIX individual tools to eradicate all of the virii, backdoors & browser hijacks on the poor thing. It had more trojans in it than a college dorm in the 80s!

Oh, and the very first time I saw a cell phone hijacked? Yep - sales geek.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hang The Sum'Bitch!

"It's cruel! Inhumane! No court has the right to decide if a person deserves to live or die!" So are the arguments made by the bleeding hearts to end the death penalty. Well, if you are on that side of the fence, may I present the following;

Mazhar Nazir was a hard working cabbie who came to America (LEGALLY) from Pakistan 33 years ago. For the past 25 years he has been driving cabs. He was known for his generosity and kindness. His friend Altaf Anjun told the story of Nazir picking up a distraught Russian woman at 3 a.m. in Georgetown. She had lost all her documentation and had no contact information for anyone in this country. Nazir took her to his home, fed her and helped her contact the Russian Embassy later that day, Anjun said. Sadly, his last act on earth was one of just trying to help out a fellow American.

Early in the morning of November 2nd Evan D. Gargiulo hailed Nazir's cab and told him some sob-story about having his wallet, keys & cell phone stolen inside the Fur Nightclub in D.C. He persuaded Nazir to drive him home where he could get some cash. Instead, Gargiulo (a recent college grad with a good job as a Systems Engineer) grabbed his 9mm pistol, then asked Nazir to drive him to Tysons to get his car. Instead of paying Nazir, Gargiulo shot him "in self defense." Gargiulo then climbed into his SUV & drove away. No call to the police, no frantically running to a stranger's house to ask for help. Nope - just a visit to the D.C. Police the next day to report the theft of his stuff.

When the police finally connected the dots and asked Gargiulo about the incident, he claimed self defense. That Nazir had climbed over the seat and attacked him. Really? Then tell us, Mr. Gargiulo, how is it that Mr. Nazir was found dead in his cab, securely seatbelted in? Shot to death with the bullets from your gun. Leaving behind a wife and child - no, a widow & orphan.

Gargiulo had no intention of paying Nazir. It matters not if Gargiulo had devised the plot to get a free cab ride from the beginning, or when he (magically, it seems) got into his home and saw the 9mm. At some point the murder became planned - premeditated.

Cold blooded, planned murder. No remorse. No mercy. Karma's a bitch.

For the entire story, from which some of the above was lifted, please see

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Let me paint the picture for you.....

Putin may return to Kremlin in 2009

Russia to deploy missiles near NATO border

Do you hear that? It's that kind of half snoring, half grumbling noise bears make when they wake up. For those of you who have not been paying attention Russia has been getting a little...aggressive. No one should have a problem with how the Georgia events unfolded. Free Georgia (or whatever they're called) fired the first shot & Putin responded as any good Russian would; "F-You! I'm a BEAR!"

Now, within 48 hours of the election of Mr. Obama, Mr. Medvedev & Mr. Putin have raised the rhetorical heat up to 11. Depending on the version of the story you read, the Soviet.....I mean Russia, has threatened to either "move missiles to the NATO Border" or "Will target NATO cities" with missiles if the Missile Shield continues to be deployed.

The USSR...dang, did it again... RUSSIA has been watching this election with great interest and the candidate they wanted to win took the office. With the bulk of US Conventional forces tied up in the Persian Wars and a President who couldn't see Russia from his front porch, Putin knows that all we can do is watch his doings with our pop-eyes popping and our drop-jaw dropping.

Our friends in Western Europe, like the French who were dancing in the streets yesterday, have the full protection of the mighty forces of the UN Military Peace Keeping Forces. Right - in Soviet France the streets dance on you. I hope that Mr. Obama has a full supply of Depends on hand for when the first Soviet brigade (screw it - I'm not pretending any more) rolls across the Ukrainian border. Of course, Putin will wait until just after Inauguration Day, which will give plenty of time for the effects of his cutting off the EU's oil supply in December to be fully felt.

Meanwhile, in a move which its timing will be PURLY coincidental, Al-Queda will attack (and perhaps take) at least one US Embassy. If they are successful they will take a page from the Jimmy Carter era & abandon the actual building, whisking the occupants off to various parts of the world. As time goes by and the hostages are not found Mr. Obama's rating will begin to drop.

The situation will continue way into the summer. Exacerbating the situation will be sky-rocketing fuel prices and an economy that continues to fail. The fact of the matter is that hot people get mad. As major cities in the eastern U.S. suffer under rolling blackouts the "underprivileged & downtrodden" will begin to get testy as they realize that their Messiah is paying more attention to the international situation and less attention to "redistributing the wealth." Rioting is not out of the realm of impossibility.

Long about November, with the Hammer and Sickle atop the Eiffel Tower, most of the hostages unaccounted for but some returned in pieces, the debt quickly approaching $1.5 Trillion and no one feeling all that "Empowered" the cries for impeachment will start.

Christmas 2009 will be a dismal time

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well, that's it then

Two years to get to this day. 40 minutes in line. 2 minutes to mark the ballot. Three minutes in line to feed it into the machine.


May God have mercy on us all.

Monday, November 3, 2008

How hard is it?

To replace the roll of paper towls over the sink? I swear, I do not want to see the inside of some of my co-workers' houses.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The 2008 Election - Seriously?

It's, what, five days away? And what do we have to show for it?

In this corner we have the Republican team of John McCain & Sarah Palin. Mr. McCain is a great guy. I went to school with his son and heard him speak on a couple of occasions. He is definitly Presidential material. However, if elected, he will be oldest President at election time with a record of health problems. I wish him no harm but the tag team of Father Time and The Grim Reaper do not care how nice you are. When they roll the dice and it comes up Double Death Heads - you're toast. Then who do we have? Sarah "I Can See Russia From My House" Palin. Great! Can you see the brigades of Soviet tanks rolling across Eastern Europe? Because that's what you'll see within six months of you taking over the White House. Chick - I'm too freaking old to be sent to France, but guess what? With the abortion going on in Iran and the anaemic actions in Afghanistan, I'm all you got. I can has body armor?

Now, In this corner, we have the Democratic team of Barack Obama & Joe Biden. Why the HELL can't it be Joe Biden & Barack Obama? Mox nix I guess. So, Barack - can you see Russia from your home? Can you see the brigades of Soviet tanks rolling across Eastern Europe? Because that's what you'll see within six months of you taking over the White House. Bro - I'm too freaking old to be sent to France, but guess what? With the abortion going on in Iran and the anaemic actions in Afghanistan, I'm all you got. I can has body armor? But that might be a moot point. It's a sad fact in this country that you will have a target on your forehead from day one. Then we have Joey.

Where, oh where is the Dream Team???? McCain Liberman.

Le Sigh.......

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Post Two

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On Becoming An Orphan

Sorry for the long post, but I feel that, besides entertainment, the purpose of a blog is to pass on important info & experiences. So, in this light, and because I just have this need to write about it, I wanted to pass on my thoughts & experiences and some advice on becoming an Orphan.

It kind of odd to think of a 45+ year old as an “Orphan”, but that’s what I am. I have absolutely no “upstream” family anymore. In fact, the only blood I have left on this rock are my kids – that’s so scary in this day & age. The only way I can describe being Orphaned is like this: Imagine you lived on the shore of a large lake for your whole life and your parents taught you to sail. Every time you went out, they were both on the dock, waving at you & cheering you on. They helped you get the boat in the water & back out every time. Then one time you look back, and there’s only one. While that’s a tad scary you still sailed and the remaining parent still helped. Then, one trip, you look back and the dock’s empty. You are truly on your own.

So, kids, let me lay some thoughts & “advice” on you. There are some legal terms I’ll throw in here, you’ll need to translate them into the legalese of your locality.

BEFORE you become an Orphan – have The Talk with your parents. Make certain they have a will. Laws vary from place to place but there are counties in Virginia that if you die with no will ALL your property belongs to the County. Your heirs get nothing. If you want to be very, very slick – have them put all things of value (real estate, cars, investments, the bank accounts, etc.) into a revocable trust and have you named as a co-trustee. This does two things: 1) upon becoming an Orphan everything passes to you immediately & without taxation. 2) Should your parent become incapable of taking care of themselves, you have access and rights to all assets to take care of them. Otherwise YOU pay all the expenses out of pocket or fight the insurance companies.

Next, check out their financial position – are they “free & clear” or do they owe debts? If the latter you MUST tally those up and buy a term life insurance policy for that amount + $10 - $20K with you as the beneficiary. Take that policy and put it in a fireproof safe on in a bank safe deposit box.

Lastly – make absolutely certain you know what your parents’ wishes are for their final arrangements. Get them to write it down. I went through Hell because all of Ma’s friends wanted me to have a funeral service when she left explicit instructions not to. You may want to take the last, morbid step with them and actually make the arrangements and get them paid for.

Now, if there are more than one of you – you have siblings – things can get complex. Invest the time & money NOW to see a good inheritance/estate lawyer and get that all hammered out.

So, time passes and the day comes when you are an Orphan.

Yeah – it hurts. No, you cannot prepare for it. The only thing I can tell you is that it will feel like someone has clobbered you with a large club to the head and rammed a spear thru your heart. If you are very lucky you’ll simply go numb for an hour or so. That does not prepare you for the dreams, later.

Sadly – putting your parent’s affairs in order afterwards is a business and you must treat it that way. If you do not you will get eaten alive and have nothing to show for it. So, here is the time table for the first 48 hours:

1) Notify the local authorities if you need to. Ma was alone when she died so the place had to be treated like a crime scene. If they were attended, you can skip this step.

2) Notify the mortician ASAP. They can take possession of the body (that’s all it is now, you have to accept that) and get the Death Certificate process rolling. I cannot express the importance of that !!!!!!! Everything hinges on this.

3) Sweep the residence for valuables. You are looking for cash, jewelry, stocks, bonds, other negotiable items, fine art, checks, credit cards and identification. Get them out of the house. There are scum who watch activity such as bodies being moved and death notices then break in to the house. You might even consider getting all the locks changed.

4) Now, go eat & get some rest. You will not feel like eating – you have to! And put the damned booze bottle down. There will be time for that later.

5) The next day you must go see the mortician and follow their directions. Depending on the instructions left you may have to pick out a set of clothes, etc. They will ask you for information for the Death Certificate. Make certain you know, or have on record, your parents social security number, date of birth, level of education, parents names (birth parents), place of birth, etc. It is beyond important to get all of this right. Again – your efforts will stop without that DC!!! Get at least 10 copies.

6) If your parent was getting newspapers delivered you must stop the subscription. A pile of news papers out front tells every scumbag out there the place is empty & unattended. Go by the house daily to get the mail.

7) Call all the credit card companies and cancel the cards. They may ask for a copy of the DC. Get a fax number and when the DC comes in, fax it over to them. Have them send final bills to you.

8) Call any banks or mortgage companies your parent owed loans to. Inform them of the event – they may already have insurance on the loan and you will only need to send them a DC copy.

9) If they are on pension or getting some sort of annuity contact those folks.

10) Remember that insurance policy you took out? Call them NOW. They will need to get a claim form to you.

11) OK, as you are a co-trustee, you are also a co-signer on their checking accounts. Notify the bank and get a print out of the state of the account on the day the parent passed.

12) Did they have investments? If so, contact the broker or agency they used. Again – get a print out of the valuation on the day they passed.

13) If you had spoken to an estate attorney – call them now.

14) Go eat, get some rest, have one – ONE – drink. You have no idea how vulnerable you are right now.

You’ve survived the first 48 hours. There are two major events coming up:

1) The services & funeral. Do not let more than two weeks pass in getting this done. Your religion may require faster action. There is always that one relative that just can’t fit you in – screw’em. Do what needs to be done and move on.

2)Getting the death certificate. This is what allows to move forward. If someone asks you for a copy of the certificate, always ask; “Do you need a sealed original, or will a photocopy do?” Most will accept a photo copy, some will need an original, some will need to see the original & make a copy for themselves.

Now, gather the original will, an original Certificate, all auto titles, the deed to any real estate, the bank valuations you got back in steps 10 & 11 and call the Clerk of The Court for Probate Matters (or whatever they call it in your neck of the woods). Make your appointment and make certain all heirs named in the will are there.

Take at least one full week off from work. You need to go back to the house/apt. and clean out the food stuff and sweep again for valuables. Keep the yard tidy. Start cleaning the place as you will probably be selling it unless you or one of your siblings really wants it. Once the County & the lawyers say it’s OK, get property titled/deeded into your name.

Now, remember I said to get that insurance policy for debts + $10 - $20K more? When it comes in pay off the debts, pay off the funeral arrangements then do something for your self! Something nice. Buy that iPod you always wanted, maybe go on a trip but, for the Love of God, don’t use it for anything practical like paying off debts. I’m saving mine to trick out the bike this winter ;)

Folks will ask what they can do to help. Your first reaction is going to be “Nothing, I have it all under control!” Let them help. Even if it’s just bringing over a meal – let them help. Some things they cannot do legally.

One day you will need to clean out the old house. Your first impulse will be to save everything. Don’t. You will be able to judge if something should be kept because it’s valuable and may be e-Bay worthy. As for sentimental value – hold the object (if you can). Do you get an immediate, strong memory? Is it something you literally grew up with and gives you a sense of comfort? If so, keep it. If not, donate it if you can.

Yes, things return to normal over time. You will find yourself thinking & doing odd things. I actually found myself dialing my Ma’s number to tell her how nice the folks at the DMV had been in getting her car titled in my name!!!! Well, you have five stages of grief to get through. Find support where you can, move on.

Well, kids, that’s all I have. I hope this gives you some decent guidance. If you have questions, I’ll be here. I have a couple of urchins to raise.

The National D-Day Memorial

This past weekend was Family Weekend at Virginia Tech. As this is my son's second year, we did all of the "family stuff" last year. As the Cadets' Pass In Review was late this year (1100) we didn't have time to get to Danville for the AAF Tank Museum, so he took us to the National D-Day Memorial ( Here's a short tour:
The Memorial is planned out such that you follow the progress of OVERLORD from planning -> landing -> push inland -> liberation of Paris.
You start with The Supreme Commander, Allied Forces, Gen. Eisenhower..
Over Eisenhower's head is a mosaic of the landing plan....
The General is overloking an English garden that pays tribute to the headquarters they used in England:
The garden is planted to represent the SHAEF Shield:
As you make your way up the stairs to the Gray Plaza, you pass by the plaques honoring the brave men from VPI (VA Tech) and VMI who have served this Country throughout the years, especially on D-Day:
I could take no photo that did Gray Plaza's vastness justice. The western wall lists all of the American fighters that never made it off the beach:
The eastern wall pays tribute to the fighters of the other Allied forces:
At the far end of the eastern wall were seven plaques describing the "Widows & Mothers" medals awarded by some of the allies to families of those left behind:
Now you come to the center piece of the memorial; the Landing Tableau:

What I could not capture is that there are nozzles placed just under the water that fire a burst of compressed air to simulate the enemy fire striking the water. The landing soldiers are making for The Wall, a sculpture meant to evoke the terrible struggle these brave men faced in their mission:

Now it's time to go up to the Eustace Plaza that surrounds the OVERLORD Vicory Arch - on the way - say "Hi!" to the Grasshopper - an observation plane:

Once on the plaza, you see the first soldier over the top of The Wall;Directly behind him you can see the Gray Plaza and the Greek Dome from the first couple of pictures. Gray Plaza is divided into five zones to represent the five beach heads; which were....?
Under the OVERLORD Victory Arch is a reminder of the cost:
The Memorial if full of symbolism. The Victory arch is topped by alternating black & white stripes such as were painted on the wings of the allied planes. The height of the Arch is described as "66 feet, 44 inches."
Marking the transition from the landing to the push inland is this powerful sculpture:
From there you walk down a Parade that is meant to represent the many plazas and aveneus that the Allies passed through while liberating Europe. The Parade ends in a Tribute to all those wounded in all of America's Military Actions:
Well, this went on much too long. Anyway - I hope you enjoyed the mini-tour. Please visit the web site for operating hours. If you stopped to read every plaque in the place - count on being there three hours or more.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The First Post

Or – An introduction to this dipsomaniac called KaosDad
Part One – The Early Years

Daddy was a Sea Captain. So I never had a place to call home. The first place I remember with any clarity is New Port, RI. We lived in a small cottage on some land owned by a farmer. He took some of his fallow ground and divided it up, built some houses and rented them out to the families of the sea going folk in the area. It was in this house, at the tender age of six, that my life almost ended.

But, I am ahead of my self, as usual.

I was first lent out to the world while Dad was in the Philippines. It was from his base there that he kept a watchful eye on the Chinese, Korean, and Russian pirates that patrolled the China Sea & The Pacific Ocean. I have no memories of this place save a few photos. We seemed happy enough. Evidently I was cared for by Philipina House Girls and only after I was bathed & dressed would I be handed over to my birth mother. The images play out in a blur of home snapshots and official photographs.

We were moved, when I was four, to Rhode Island. It was there that Pops would rotate between teaching aspiring Captains in the art of pirate stalking and actually going to sea to ply his skills. It was there that in a fit of childhood terror I ran after my Mother – across the wide open, unfinished floor of the basement – running-back style and hit the plate glass of the back door just as it latched into its frame. There was a shatter, a scream, and I froze. I was half in the house and half out – thru the door, which was closed. I looked up to see my Mother, a horrific, wide eyed gaze on her face, pointing at he as she said; “Do not move.” She pushed my head down slightly and backwards until I was free of the shattered door and looked up to see a glass dagger that, just seconds before, was poised over my spine – ready to kill me or, worse, commit me to being a quadriplegic for the rest of my days.

I am convinced that this was God’s message to me that I am divine & chosen to bring either great goodness to His earth – or destroy it utterly.