How do you restart a blog? For a few years I published pretty regularly and folks actually read. Heck, it seems I even have followers I'm not paying! For some reason this feels like trying to get back together with a girlfriend I dumped.
Anyway - it's not like there hasn't been anything to blog about. The Obama Administration continues to fail, the Persian Wars continue to be mis-directed, the economy continues to faulter and the Libtards continue to treat the Constitution as if it were a buffet! No, the sad truth is; I got lazy. Well, as Edmund Burk said; "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Staying silent is the loudest way to do nothing
Let's get to know each other again, shall we?
You could vlog
Gods no! There's a reason I don't post my real picture!
oh Gods!!!!!!
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