As for the failed Dohbama presidency, the peeps spoke up in ultra liberal Massachusetts and sent the jackass party packing. Now the US Socialist Party (otherwise known as the Democrats) is crying that their much touted “Health Care Overhaul” is doomed. Thank God. I am already sending well over 50% of my income to Federal, State & Local Governments thru all of the ridiculous taxes I pay. I truly wish all the sheeple would wake up and we could have an honest-to-goodness tax revolt. If we even got 50% of the US Population to simply stop allowing withholding from their paycheck, the government would be forced to sit up & take notice. But I digress. The only good thing to come out of the Dohbama administration so far is their failed grade from the Brady Bunch. Seems Da Prez has decided to do the right thing & keep his nose out of private firearms ownership. Now he has a scant few months to un-fail his administration or face a whole new wave of Republicans in the House & Senate.
So, I recently added to the gun rack & got back into active shooting. I found out that with age and “maturity” comes the patience to be a decent shot. We’re not talking Olympic class by any means, but I can hit the CBM at 30 – 40 feet which is optimal in an urban setting. What has really struck me this time around is the rabid politics surrounding gun ownership & “my way or the highway” mentalities. For example, evidently it is impossible to be both a gun owner and a Dohbama supporter. I’d like someone to explain to the couple who live a few blocks away. Not only did they drink the Dohbama koolaid, they helped mix it up & pass it out. Now try and revoke their ability to own firearms. Be careful tho’ – they’re packin’ heat. Well, it’s good to see that ignerence an’ stipidity run on both sides of the isle! Seriously, I have enough to worry about, I really do not need to check out the political affiliation of every business I go into to make a buying decision.
That’s all for now. Stay Frosty.
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