Sarah (it's OK - I can call her that - we're buds) has been the object of derision since her introduction by Sen. McCain in his disaster of a Presidential Bid. How much of it was deserved? Here was this obscure Governor, plucked out of the wilderness and dropped in to the public's eye. She got, what, 15 minutes of coaching before her first appearance? How much time did the GOP think about how the public would react to her family situation? What about the reaction the Dems would have? Probably none. They knew the election was lost and wanted something with a big shock factor to try & get back in the race. Instead, they gave the Dems & the comedians a new target.
Sarah deserves more sympathy than hostility. She was a fish out of water - in bear country.

HE blew it. Not his handlers, not his lawyers, not his yogis - he did - The Man in the Mirror. The stress he put on his body with all the plastic surgery, the odd behavior, Neverland - these were not acts of his "people" - this was him - all him.
But with his death comes the usual circus that surrounds the passing of a person who was larger than life. The usual ring masters have shown up to revalidate themselves. Al Sharpton & Jessie Jackson stading by Pops Jackson, a shout out by Madonna during her gig, and almost every pop concert on the planet turns into a Jacko love-fest - all the while the MJ machine continues to make certain he stays in the headlines - gotta keep those album sales up.
However, a friend made an interesting observation; who's voice have you **not** heared? Here we have a very famous African American who was "cut down" in the prime of life and who is staying silent? Oprah. Why is she not off comforting Michael's mother? Why has Jermain or Janet not been on her show? Well, I share my frind's opinion - she knows the truth.

* I am done with the being of overweight. I guess it's time to get serious (or dangerous)
* On July 3rd I learned of the death of buddy. She was a Band Mom with the local high school. Her son & mine graduated together and now go to Va Tech. Evidently she had been battling depression and finally gave up. Another Band Mom called to give me the news. She commented that we were all so close until the kids graduated then those whom we called "friend" suddenly were off in the mist. Dear reader - open your old address book, look up a friend you have not seen a while & call. Make the effort.
* Some folks need to calm the frack down. Seriously.
* How do you know you've cooked damned fine BBQ? You smell it for days afterwards.
* Finally - please leave a comment letting know where your from and if you are a regular reader. Just trying to get a handle on if anyone is really reading this crap.
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Under article 7 of the LOA/US peace treaty this site is required reading for all incumbent League of Awesomeness members such as myself.
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