First – let’s revisit the scene. If you’ve followed the news articles it appears to look like this; in front of Gates’ house is a hired car of some sort with a driver and assisting Gates is his secretary (I assume a woman). Gates is dressed in a polo and & khakis while the driver is probably in a dark suit & tie. I assume the secretary is dressed appropriately. So, if neighbor lady sees a group of nicely dressed folks at the front door of a home having trouble with the lock and decides this is a 911 event – what the Hell kind of neighborhood is it? Goodness!!! Those robbers rented a car & dressed in their finest casual clothes to rob a house! Allegedly neighbor lady called because it was “two black men with backpacks” at the door. For the Love of God – a black man OWNS the house!!!!!
Second – Gates and he black community (yes – including Al Sharpton) are decrying his arrest as racist. OK, again with the facts. Officer Crowley asked Gates to step outside to the front porch to which Gates replied (OK – allegedly); "Ya, I'll speak with your mama outside," YOUR MAMA? Gates is reportedly the most scholarly black man in America and he responds to a Police Officer’s request with a “YO MOMMA” line?????? Give me a frakkin’ break. This is a Harvard “intellectual”? No – this is a racist. Plain. Simple. He took advantage of a situation that could have been resolved in moments and raised it to an international level hoping that President Obama would weigh in. Oh, and he did……

Last – The POTUS should never – ever- ever- EVAR comment on “local” events. Riots in LA? Yes. Disaster in New Orleans? Yes. The arrest of a guy in Cambridge, Mass.? NO! Mr. President – YOU BLEW IT. Especially with this comment: "Now, I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that . . . But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home." Sir – you were not there. So shut the Hell up and move along. It is BELOW you to comment on this matter. Get it yet?
What this all points out is that race continues to be an issue in America. Why? Because race continues to be an issue! It’s not an issue with the majority either, bit with the “minorities.” Sotomayor cannot be regarded as a qualified judge for the Supreme Court. She has to be regarded as a “Latino woman” in the running for a Supreme Court position. Really? Are we not beyond this? If not, why not? Easy – because it makes for Bad Press if we are beyond this.
1 comment:
I assume that by now you've heard the 911 tapes and that the woman who called in could not/did not identify the race of the people who were breaking and entering!
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