First - Lil' Kim
The pint-sized postiol packin' pugilist from Pyongyang has finally had his fill of being largly ignored by those bodacious bad guys in "The West." Ignoring threats of a smack down by his former backers China & Russia, he still wags his finger at the U.S. Promising a "Rain of Fire" should the U.S. attempt to make good on U.N. imposed sanctions by trailing & stopping ships suspected of transporting wepons cargo. He largly ignors the fact that he has exactly TWO missiles at the moment that (if they manage to clear the launch pad) might land somewhere other than the East Sea.
Of course, should the missile LOOK like it's going to get into the upper atmosphere, we got that covered.

More importantly, Lil'Kim continues to ignore the fact that we already have assets in place that, should he decide to launch, will turn Pyongyang into a set for Fallout4.

Then we have Ach{PHLEGM}m'dinnerjacket

Dude, seriously, WTF? Lesson number one of being a tyrannical, dictitorial puppet - never - EVAR hold "elections." You might loose. And when you loose you learn the painful lesson of the Djinn - once he's out of the bottle, he's harder than hell to stuff back in! There's a young lady in our office who is Persian. I had a long talk with her about Phlegm, the Grand Ayatollah and the elections and was shocked to hear her story.
The 1979 "Revolution" against the Shah was NOT intended to install a theocracy. At the time there were no less than six political parties ranging from pure Western Style Democracy, to Soviet Style Communism and everything inbetween (tho' I doubt there was any Kibbutzim in the mix.) In the middle of it all, the Ayatollah Khmeni rallies the Revolutionary Guard, calls a Jihad (or maybe a brunch - my farsi is not that good) and takes over power. Thus - one of the most beautiful, learned, & influential powers of the Middle East was dumped into a new "Dark Ages" of extreme "Islamic Law" and isolationism.
And the Iranian people are tired of it.
Now Phlegm & the Grand Ayatollah have backed themselves into a corner. They have three choices: A true recount and factual reporting of the current ballots. Throw out the current ballots and have a total re-polling overseen by a disinterested third party (like the Swiss?) Or - call in the Republican Guard & the Militia & start shooting.
Sadly - it looks like the Iranian "Holy Man" and Phlegm have chosen door #3.
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