Over the past several months (since the end of the 2008 elections) I have had to really do some soul searching regarding my political label as a “Republican.” The GOP can trace its roots way back in U.S. history – some say all the way back to the WHIGS, but that is up for debate. The establishment of the party has its roots firmly in the 1850’s as the main opposition to slavery & the opening of the western lands at no charge with the first Republican president being Abe Lincoln.
Over the years the Republican Party has become almost synonymous with words and phrases like; “Conservative,” “small government,” “strong military,” and so on. I was very proud to cast my very first vote for Ronald Reagan and followed up with Mr. G.H.W. Bush and G.W. Bush (the first time). It took a little more thought to flip that lever the second time.
Now, we can debate about whether or not the Republican Party strayed from their ways over the past few years for quite a long time. Did the GOP’s “getting soft” cause them the election to Obama? Uh, no – it was the GOP’s being completely out of touch with the electorate that cost them the election and their response has been so amazingly wrong. The GOP has been acting like the spoiled little brat that didn’t get the pony for his birthday. The rhetoric that has followed the Inauguration has been nothing short of hateful. It has completely undermined the wonderful concession speech that Mr. McCain gave.
No longer is the GOP the party of Eisenhower, Reagan, Nixon, G.H.W. Bush and Abe Lincoln. They are now the party of Gingrich, Limbaugh, Coulter & Cheney. If this isn’t scary – I really do not know what is. The fact that the GOP is embracing a shock radio personality as their de-facto mouth piece is astounding and should be insulting to all true Republicans everywhere. Gingrich’s statement to the effect that he is not interested in being a player on the world stage is astounding given the reaction to G.W.’s policies of isolationism through invasion. The very fact that Sarah Palin is even being considered as a possibility for the Presidential spot in 2012 shows how totally out of touch the GOP has become with all but the extreme right wing.
The people are speaking to this with their most powerful “voice” – their wallet. Donations are to the party are way down. Don’t blame the economy – we’ve been through recessions before and contributions to political parties & religious organizations are the last to feel the pinch. It’s time for someone with some sense and understanding of what the U.S. wants and the place we must occupy on the world stage to come forward and get Newt, Rush, Annie & Dick off the podium. If the GOP is going to be the party of intolerance, isolation and bullying – count me out.
Does this mean I have sold my soul to the Democrats – uh, no. Those fools have their own issues and if they don’t get their grubby paws off my hard earned cash and keep giving it to fat cats and lazy bums, we’re gonna have words. America was built on free enterprise for a reason: it works. If GM is running such a bad business that it loses money on every car it sells, why should it stay in business? The stimulus package and the bailout package were total crocks and put the money in the wrong hands – it shows a complete lack of understanding of macro-economics. I could go on, but I have rambled on enough.
So, no longer a Republican, not going Democrat, and “Independent” was destroyed by folks like Nader, Larouch and McCarthy. Nope, if you want to know how I’ll vote, just put me down as “American” or, better yet, “Patriot.”
"It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government" - Thomas Paine (or some variation thereof)
1 comment:
Okay, so I promised a comment...but I can't promise it will be short.
If the Republican party is proud to trace its roots back to Abe, then count me out....but I think that debate is outside the scope of this blog post.
You are spot on that the GOP lost connection with its constituents...its hard to pay attention to the people when big companies are offering you hundred of millions of dollars to ignore the rest of us.
You are also correct in calling the GOP the "party of intolerance, isolation and bullying."
One thing that I have always respected from the democrats, they at least tell me up front that they are going to screw me over with taxes....republicans lie and screw me over anyways (april '08 article at mises.org on that).
Another thing that has made me sick is all these "Glenn Beck patriots." Glenn Beck has always been a scum bag and I don't believe his conversion to liberty is true, I think its a scam to get ratings. Well, maybe I am a little biased because he called me a terrorist because I supported Ron Paul in 2008, but never-the-less, I don't believe him. He has made liberty a bandwagon to make money, and money he has made. The true fighters like Ron Paul have never been in it for the money, they have been in it to educate the public and encourage them to seek out truth for themselves.
I love the quote you ended with...truly a classic!
I am glad to see that another Republican has left the dark side and joined liberty lovers in the pursuit of liberty.
I want our country to restored to a constitutional republic...pre-Federal Reserve era/pre-big government era. However, I am not sure it can be accomplished within our current system. The dollar is fading way too fast. India has joined Russia now in beginning to replace their dollar reserves with gold and that means that the US is screwed.
A revolution is brewing in America, I just wonder if it will be a bloodless variety like England had or are we going to storm Capitol Hill much like the French?
suggested reading:
Mises Institute
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