Unless you've been under a rock the past six or so years you will recall that Baby Bush and Dick Cheney decided to go to war with Iraq. For what? Well, I really can't tell you. Supposedly there WMDs there. Supposedly there were the making for nulear weapons there. Supposedly it was a haven for Al Queda & the Taliban. Of course, the only plan they had for our forces was to depose Saddam & his ruling Baath party, which they did.
Of course there was NO plan for what to do after that. What followed was a travesty and a waste of human life. Over 4,000 of America's finest are now dead and tens of thousands wounded or crippled both physically & mentally. Hundreds of thousands of Iraquis are dead and their nation has been bombed out of "emerging world" status to "stone age" status. And for what? Our forces found NONE of the threats that Bush & Cheney said were threatening the world. In fact, their ill conceived and unplanned invasion has left such a void that Iraq IS now a strong hold for terroists.
Yesterday, another by-product of the Bush/Cheney Idiocracy began to make itself visible - because we threw the weight and might of the American Military against Iraq, we could no longer keep an eye on Afghanistan & Pakistan - two KNOWN strongholds of Al Queda & the Taliban. And now the Taliban is moving towards Islamabad in a not at all covert bid to impose Radical Islamic law and establish Pakistan as a Taliban controlled nation.
Yet - this was not the act of just two men. The entire U.S. Congress failed to act properly. They did not review the President's actions as required by the War Powers Act. Instead - Congress voted overwhelingly to authorizr further military action against Iran. And the Taliban rolls on.
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