Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Endorphin of Giving

Our neighborhood has a forum. We log on to discuss, berate, belittle, snark on and, occasionally, help out each other. Recently a post was put up about a Mom & three kids who had just made it out of the Battered Woman's Shelter and needed basics. Being the geek-pack rat I am I asked if she needed a PC. The answer was "yes."

So I gathered some spare parts and a couple from other folks on the street and created a PC much like the one I sold for over $1,500 a while back. I loaded Windows XP Home (LEGAL, thank you) and a few other things. Then gave it and a high def flat screen away.

It felt great. Oh, I got great Karma points, but who cares? The act of activly doing something that might help out another person was - euphoric.

Feeling down? Oh, there are so many ways to feel better & do good.

1 comment:

JJ said...

So I can forward you my NewEgg wish list now?

Great story, the joy of giving is timeless.