Sunday, January 23, 2011

Let's Understand Something.....

Madmen are madmen. It makes no difference if they are holding a firearm, a machete or a pen. If they are bent on destruction they WILL find a way to execute their plan. The Socialist Left's contined efforts to limit the rights of law abiding citizens continue to ignore, sometimes comically, prima facie evidence that resticting the citizen's right to keep and bear arms is horridly flawed. All we need do is look at like in Mexico and the UK. These two governments have the most restrictive firearms ownership laws on the planet and some of the highest violent crime rates on the planet. How can this be ignored?

The Brady Bunch continues to push for MORE restrictive laws on firearms ownership. It was they that cried out for, and got, the requirement for background checks when a firearms is purchased. Let's ask a few folks how well that's working.....

Matthew LaPort, tell us how well the Brady Laws... oh, wait. Cadet LaPort cannot answer us. He lies in peace in the Blacksburg cemetary having been killed by gunman Cho. After Cho passed not one, but TWO checks. Cadet LaPort was trained to arms, but prohibited from defending himself.

Let's ask Congresswoman Giffords how well the Brady Bill is working. Oh, wait, can't. She's recouperating from headwounds inflicted by a madman named Laughner who, again, passed not one, but TWO checks.

The thing we should be focusing on is the horribly broken mental health-care system we don't have. Both of these madmen would have been prohibited from purchasing firearms IF there had been a mechanism wherebye mental health officials could have alerted the NCIS to their bizarre, fear inducing behaviour, writings and videos. But instead of concentrating on teh real issues, the antis continue to try and pass feel good legislation that criminals continue to ignore.

The requirement to have a background check, OK, that's reasonable. However, every other law that restricts a citizen's rights under the Second Amendment at the Federal, State or Local level MUST be struck down. They do nothing but protect criminals and add to the public debt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree on the right of citizens to buy firearms, but I would like to regulate that, to have every weapon in the country registered to the buyer, like with the cars, so if a weapon is used in a crime and is found it can be more easily traced. If you are going to use an AK47 to hunt deers it is fine, you will never have a problem, and you can buy as many as you want, but let the government know who is the owner, and in case of somebody rob your gun, you can report it, just like in cars.

It is important to understand the importance of this, it is naive to believe criminals will only use 9mm or 38mm guns, and no the others, also to believe guns in Mexico come from elsewhere when in Mexico there are no gun factories as in the rest of latin america, there are two sources, Europe and USA, Europe is to far and sea ports are more easy to control than land ports, more in the case of the border with mexico with thousands of miles of land, easy to cross.

So let the selling of guns continue but with registration.