It is truly the mark of a small mind when, instead of discussing a person's talent or debating their points of view, one directs their comments to weight. The recent coverage of Jessica Simpson & Meghan McCain's "weight problem" has me almost physically sick. Seriously - is this ALL you can come up with?
Let's start with Jess.

Ummmm... seriously? Fat? I can has a break nao? Any girl you can't play rugby with is not worth a second look.
I'm finding it hard to find a good full body shot of Meghan. So, I'll steal one from GQ:

Now, keep in mind she was called "fat" by this gunch, Laura Ingraham:

Ingraham may be an intelligent woman. But by degrading her commentary to Meghan's weight, she invalidates herself. Which is fine, she has no clevage.
Anyway - if Jess & Meghan are fat then I am all for fat girls.
Bailouts & Stimulus Packages
Can the Government get it more wrong? Please? There is a basic truth about money - it likes to flow and, like good fertilizer, it does no good unless it's spread around. I am certain that Mr. Prez is listening to his advisers but he needs to learn how to spot a bad idea when it bites him, which is what these bailouts have done (See: AIG Bonus Plan).
Sir, if you want to get this economy rolling again, you have to get copious amounts of cash (or something that acts like cash) into the hands of Joe Consumer. Why? Joe will do one of two things with it; save it or spend it (which is why I like the idea of vouchers - they have to be spent - more on that in a bit). When Joe takes the currency to the retailer, he buys goods & the retailer stays in business. The retailer then buys more stock from distributors who, in turn, order more stuff from manufacturers who then buy raw materials & components from suppliers. At all levels people are employed, draw paychecks & then continue the cycle of spending. You are also employing the shippers & haulers of the world and contributing to the enterprises' bottom lines which encourages investment.
If you simply hand cash to the Wall Street Dorks that got us into this mess the BUCK STOPS THERE. Cash, Sir, does NOT flow "down."
Can you use this idea to further other agenda items? Yes - this is where the whole voucher thing (rather than cash) plays in. Give me three vouchers:
* $18,000 towards the purchase of a NEW vehicle. Heck - even restrict it to a new hybrid vehicle, or one that gets more than 30 MPG. Don't care!
* $50,000 voucher towards alternative energy for my home. Watch me hire a solar energy specialist to get me off the grid and reduce my carbon foot print. Which is closely related to . . .
* $35,000 voucher to replace all of my crappy builder grade windows with better insulated & installed low-e windows.
How many people did those three vouchers keep employed? Come on Barack - you got elected on "Change" - let see some change in the way Government THINKS.
Other News
* Evidently I am getting a dog. My cats and I will be in the basement playing Fallout 3.
* Medications that artificially reduce your heart rate & metabolism are not good for your mid section & over all fitness.
* The New FaceBook Sux.
They Wonder Why Some Folks Think They Are Animals
Lastly, the KaosBlog sadly notes the following stories from various sources, all out of Iraq:
MSNBC which reported that in the last minute of a soccer game, a member of the away team was driving down field and was about to kick the game tying goal when a home fan popped up & shot the player in the head, killing him.
The Mail Online which reports the stoning death of a 17 year old girl for loving the wrong boy. It took eight men a half hour to kill her while Iraq security forces looked on.
The Independent Women's Forum who reports the beheading of Nahla Hussein al-Shaly, a Women's Rights Activist in Iraq.
4,259 of America's finest have died to liberate this?
1 comment:
You forgot the one thing about putting money in the hands of Joe Consumer which was an issue with the previous iterations: Joe Consumer spends it to pay down debt, not buy fancy new toys or upgrade other items in ill-repair.
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