Wanna act like a Big Cheese? Wanna waste hours & hours of your peoples' precious time? Hold a frakking meeting!!!!
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OK - see mister "walk in looking pissed and announce 'It's gonna be a late one, people.'"? See him? He needs to be fired, taken out back & given a sock party. Why In The HELL should any of his reports be forced to cancel their plans because Boso the Feces Head can't get a project planned/done/updated/whatever during normal business hours???? Is this guy a moron that can't use a day planner, or just a douchbag that has no life of his own and needs to inflict that misery on others?
The meeting is as old hat & washed up as the suit and power lunch. All of these are vestiges of a bygone time where wearing a suit showed the world that you "had arrived." Give me a frakkin' break. In this day and age of e-mail, PowerPoint & Excel if you need to hold a meeting - you are a really BAD communicator - REALLY BAD.
So, let me tell you about my "perfect meeting room." It's a windowless, concrete box. It has ONE door, next to which is a basket into which are placed all pagers, crackberries, cell phones, etc. Once inside there is a meeting table that is about four feet high. All lighting is halogen and there is NO Internet connection as the room has no CAT5 jacks nor does it have "signal" to any damned thing. There are no chairs, mats or any other comforts - no water, softdrinks or access to restrooms. Can you say "Hello!" to the 30 minute "meeting."
Do meetings just happen at work? No. Tonight I was called to a "mandatory meeting" for a HS band trip (for my girl child) to Boston. Was it necessary? HELLS NO!!!!! It was a frakking recruiting ploy for the Band Boosters!!!!
STOP IT I have NO time for frovel...frivou.. stupid damned meetings. If you have something to tell me - frakking hit "Send."
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12 years ago