Friday, December 12, 2008

Not to Beat a Dead Horse . . .

As you can tell from a previous post I get more than a bit peeved when folks call out "sick" from work. It's espcially aggrevating when they call out and I check their FaceBook status that says; "Really Wimpy Guy is SOOOOOOOO hungover." So, because junior can't manage his life I am now a man down and have to find someone to cover as I need two people on deck at all times.

Well, the next time you feel like not working because you have a headache, consider the following.....

This is an excerpt from a Washington Post article (URL at the end)reporting on the awarding of the Silver Star to 10 Green Berets from Operational Detachment Alpha 3336 of the 3rd Special Forces Group. The article reads:

As Ford and Staff Sgt. John Wayne Walding returned fire, Walding was hit below his right knee. Ford turned and saw that the bullet "basically amputated his right leg right there on the battlefield."

Walding, of Groesbeck, Tex., recalled: "I literally grabbed my boot and put it in my crotch, then got the boot laces and tied it to my thigh, so it would not flop around. There was about two inches of meat holding my leg on." He put on a tourniquet, watching the blood flow out the stump to see when it was tight enough.

Then Walding tried to inject himself with morphine but accidentally used the wrong tip of the syringe and put the needle in this thumb, he later recalled. "My thumb felt great," he said wryly, noting that throughout the incident he never lost consciousness. "My name is John Wayne," he said.

So, sniffles, what say you haul your sorry carcass out of bed and get to work?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know if I mentioned it before but you can always tell them that while they're writing off one day of work over a hangover there some of us who would come in suffering from pneumonia out of happiness to just have a job.