Monday, November 24, 2008

Sale's professionals should have no technology more advanced than an Etch-a-Sketch

And even that might be a bit much.

I cannot tell you how many hours I have spent on the clock and off the clock repairing & cleaning the laptops of sales "professionals." It seems that regardless of teh myriad of warnigs the I.T. world sends out they simply seem hell-bent on following the instructions of every e-mail they get even if the DON'T have an account at Bank of America.

Why? Why do they do this? Seriously, I have seen NO other classificiation of professional with such a high rate of laptop destruction. I just finished cleaning the laptop of a real estate agent. It took not two, not three but SIX individual tools to eradicate all of the virii, backdoors & browser hijacks on the poor thing. It had more trojans in it than a college dorm in the 80s!

Oh, and the very first time I saw a cell phone hijacked? Yep - sales geek.

1 comment:

JJ said...